Fiscal Year Financials
School of Education and Human Development Foundation Assets
Unrestricted | $2,120,287 |
Operating Restricted | $18,136,489 |
Endowment | $18,815,465 |
Scholarships | $4,197,647 |
Fellowships | $4,141,873 |
Awards | $616,013 |
Professorships | $7,999,795 |
Lectureships, Chairs and Program Support | $1,860,137 |
Total Net Assets Held at UVA School of Education and Human Development Foundation
University of Virginia School of Education And Human Development Assets
Unrestricted | $1,921,452 |
Operating Restricted | $22,665,999 |
Endowment | $13,711,721 |
Restricted | $300,547 |
Awards | $15,815 |
Chairs | $11,121,938 |
Fellowships | $987,638 |
Scholarships | $1,285,782 |
Total Assets Held at Rectors and Visitors for the the University of Virginia School of Education and Human Development